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2020/2/2 21:09:53发布134次查看
the 27th east china fair
展位咨询:18688442002  小官
exhibition details
华东进出口商品交易会 (简称“华交会”)华交会由中华人民共和国商务部支持,上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省、福建省、江西省、山东省、南京市、宁波市等9省市联合主办,每年3月1日-5日在上海新国际博览中心举行。华交会是中国规模最大、客商最多、辐射面最广、成交额最高的区域性国际经贸盛会。
the east china fair ( or ecf for short ), is the largest trade fair organized in china which features traders from across the world and also has the highest turnover. it is held annually from march 1st to 5th in shanghai new national expo center, and is co-organized by nine provinces and cities including jiangsu, zhejiang, anhui, fujian, jiangxi, and shandong provinces, along with shanghai, nanjing and ningbo cities. the fair is also supported by the ministry of commerce.
history of last fair
the 26th east china fair was held in march 1st to 5th , 2016 in shanghai new international expo center an covered an area of 115,000 square meters, with 5480 standard booths, and five main exhibition areas featuring garments, textile, home products, ornaments and gifts, and articles symbolizing modern lifestyle. in addition, the fair lured more than 36,099 people including 14,645 domestic traders and 21454 business people from different countries and regions participating and generating an accumulated trading value of $2,31 billion.
media publicity
报刊杂志 newspapers and magazines中国日报china daily, 上海日报shanghai daily, 第一财经日报first financial daily, 新民晚报xinmin evening news, 新闻晨报morning post, 文汇报wen hui bao, 经济日报economic daily, 解放日报jiefang daily, 上海商报shanghai commercial news, 国际商报international business daily, 东方早报oriental morning post, 时代报the age, 劳动报lao dong bao, 国际市场international market, 上海金融报shanghai financial journal, 中国经济导报 china economic herald, 浙江日报zhejiang daily,
   电台电视台 radio and television station,上海电视台shanghai television, 外语频道international channel shanghai, 上海广播电台shanghai broadcasting station, 第一财经电视/第一财经广播china business network, , 星尚频道ok channel, 浙江卫视zhejiang tv, 宁波电视台ningbo tv, 宁波电台经济台ningbo tv economic channel, 宁波电台新闻台ningbo tv news channel,
   网络媒体及通讯社 network media and news agency,东方网eastday.com , 新民网xinmin.cn , 新浪网sina.com , 搜狐网souhu.com , 中国新闻社china news service, 新华社xinhua news agency,电子商务媒体 e-commerce social media
阿里巴巴alibaba, 中国制造made-in-china.com, 环球资源global sources, 环球市场global market group, 中国纺织网texnet.com, tradeindia, indiamart, 世界买家网word importers net, 中国贸易黄页chinabizpage.com, 中国进出口展会指南china import and export fair guide, 龙之向导dragon-guide.net
introduction of exhibition hall
华交会将增扩2万平方米,将展出14万平方米。标准展位6000余个,设置服装区、家用纺织品展区、装饰礼品展区、日用消费品展区及现在生活方式馆等。华交会以进出口贸易为主, 还安排加工贸易和合资、合作等多种贸易洽谈。
the east china fair is going to expand 20,000 square meters which will covered an area of 140,000 square meters, with more than 6000 standard booths, and five main exhibition areas featuring garments, home textile, ornaments and gifts, consumer goods and articles symbolizing modern lifestyle. the ecf focusing on import and export trade, and it will also has a variety of trade negotiation including processing trade, joint venture and cooperation.
classification of exhibits
家庭用品 home products
家居用品 household products:(厨卫用品kitchen and toilet supplies, 美容护肤用品beauty and skin care products, 清洁收纳用品clean and storage products, 钟表眼镜watch&glasses, 一般家庭用品general household products)、家用电器 household appliances、家居及装饰礼品 home-wares&ornaments and gifts、时尚用品及电子产品 fashion supplies&electronics、文体及户外产品 sports&outdoor products、食品饮品及农产品 food&beverage &agriculture products
服装及家用纺织品 garments & home textile
时尚成衣 fashion garments、功能性服装 functional garments、婴童服饰及内衣 baby apparel&undergarment、服装配件 garment accessory (鞋帽shoes and hats, 围巾scarf, 箱包luggage,配件accessory)、家用纺织品 home textile、面料辅料 fabric&accessory
空    地:人民币2200元/平方米(最小36平方米)
participation fee
standard booth: rmb 22800/9 squaremeters
raw space: rmb 2200/squaremeter (at least 36 squaremeters)


中国 广州


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