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Vibration Fatigue 稳态与疲劳

2023/4/14 6:42:26发布44次查看
vibration fatigue 稳态与疲劳
vibration fatigue 稳态与疲劳 产品详情
vibration fatigue module
vic-3d™稳态振动与疲劳测量模块允许使用低速摄像机在周期性高速事件中捕捉位移和应变测量结果。 这个附加模块可以作为替代高速摄像机的低成本解决方案。 该模块结合vic-snap™允许用户使用加载驱动频率的峰值、谷值或的中间相位信号对低速图像采集器进行准确的触发控制。
thevic-3d™vibration fatigue module allows low-speed cameras to capture displacement and strain measurements during periodic, high-speed events. this add-on module can provide a low-cost alternative to high-speed cameras. vic-snap allows the user to accurately trigger the low-speed cameras at peaks, valleys, or phase intervals in the driving frequency.
技术概述 technology overview
与标准vic-3d系统一样,该模块可以同时在x/y/z轴上测量表面位移。 但是,通过使用集成的频闪仪,振动疲劳模块可以轻松而精确地捕获周期性事件。
as with the standard vic-3d system, surface displacements can be measured in three axes simultaneously. but, the vibration fatigue module adds the ability to easily and precisely capture periodically recurring events, through the use of an integrated video stroboscope.
任何适用于传统频闪仪的应用都是该系统可测量的理想选择。 这包括振动台、发动机试验台和各种周期性机械循环。 但是,这个系统的功能远远超出了传统频闪仪的功能。 除了位移测量之外,系统还可以提供速度和加速度矢量,以及测量范围内每个点的完整拉格朗日应变张量。 因此,它可以同时测量振动和振动引起的表面应变。 由于这些测量结果直接来源于测试样本的图像,所以详细的定量数据很容易覆盖在原始图像上,从而实现强大的可视化和分析。 扬声器定频激励试验 loudspeaker testing
any application which lends itself to the use of a conventional stroboscope is a good candidate for measurement with this system. this includes shaker tables, engine test stands, and a wide range of machinery. however, the capabilities of this system go far beyond those of the conventional stroboscope. in addition to displacement measurements, the system can provide velocity and acceleration vectors, as well as the complete lagrangian strain tensor for every point within the field of measurement. thus, it can be used to measure both vibration and vibration-induced surface strains simultaneously. since these measurements are derived directly from images of the test specimen, detailed quantitative data is easily overlaid onto the original images, allowing powerful visualization and analysis.
vic-3d振动模块是一种替代高速摄像机的易用且低成本的方案。 它可用于超大振幅以及频率高至50 khz的振动测量。 根据运动的频率和运动速度,只需要为相机提供频闪照明就足够了,这进一步简化了测试的准备工作量。
the vic-3d vibration module is an easy-to-use and low-cost alternative to high speed cameras. it can be used for vibrations with large amplitudes and frequencies up to 50 khz. depending upon the frequency and velocity of motion, it is often sufficient to strobe only the camera, which further simplifies the test setup.
由于dic数字图像相关技术是一种非接触式测量,测试试件的运动不会受到测量设备的干扰。 而且,试件制备只需要使用随机散斑,且通常可以使用喷漆创建,这使得系统具有极高易用性。
because digital image correlation is a non-contact measurement, movement of the test specimen is not disturbed by the measurement equipment. and, specimen preparation requires only the application of a random pattern, which can typically be created with spray paint.
离面位移值 out-of-plane w 主应变 e1 次主应变 e2
系统特性 system features
• 可用于3d坐标、位移、速度和应变张量的全场测量
•可用频率范围:高至50 khz
•用于统计分析、应力 - 应变曲线等数据的后处理工具
•full-field measurements of 3d coordinates, displacements, velocities, and strain tensors
•frequency range: up to 50 khz
•in-plane accuracy up to 0.02 pixels, out-of-plane accuracy up to 0.04 pixels
•strain accuracy up to 0.01% local, 0.005% global
•strain ranges from 0.005% to over 2,000%
•automatic calibration
•cameras can be easily controlled from the computer
•powerful tools for visualizing data
•contour displays which can be overlaid onto images of the test specimen
•data extraction from 3d plots based on user defined lines and circles
•post-processing tools for statistical analysis, stress-strain curves, and more
•one year of technical support and software upgrades
•live technical support is available 7*24 h
•on-site support and consulting is also available
•one-year replacement warranty for defects in materials and/or workmanship on all parts
more information
click hereto download the vibration synchronization andfatigue module flyer.
click hereto download the vibration synchronization andfatigue module application note.


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