三六零分类信息网 > 济宁分类信息网,免费分类信息发布


2021/1/28 1:33:14发布108次查看
          海盐县秦山镇鑫刺制针 厂是一家集生产加工、经销批发的企业,主要经营:五金制品、钢针、挂钩、文教针、圆规针、纺织针、日常 用 品针、玩具针、口腔探针、指南针轴、三角针、美容医疗针等,产品范围相当广泛,可满足不同行 业对 金属产品的多样化需求。企业运用电子商务平台实行信息流,资金流,物流为一体的科学化的管 理操作 模式立足于市场,所有交易采用电子商务平台监控系统实行高质量高信誉的交货方式。满足了 不同客户 非常苛刻的需求。
     本厂是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业,历史悠久。 海盐县秦山镇鑫刺制针厂以雄厚的实力、合理的价格、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。 本厂秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大 客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾!
              精工细造   针针入扣
              规格俱全   尽在鑫刺
产品仅供参考,如果您有任何要求,欢迎来电洽谈 !
【产品材质】碳钢镀镍、201不锈钢 、304不锈钢 、 316不锈钢等
【特别说明】以上产品尺寸均按照国家标准材料定做,如有特殊 规格尺寸请联系我们技术部。
1、本企业为生产厂家(可以来电询价),可能会出现暂时缺货的 情况,所以询价之前,请先询问是否有货,并确认有无适合您的规格。
2、本厂承诺所有产品100%实物拍摄。在不同的光线和显示器下看 商品或多或少都是有色差的,望完全不能接受色差问题的买家,买前请咨询清楚。网上交易,不能看到 实物,难免会和想象中有点差别,所以最好能提供详细的图纸与样品给我们,以便我们能提供样品给你 们。
3、收到样品后,请及时和我们联系,我们会尽快回复,各位一定 要和我们沟通哦
4、样品确认之后如需要订购此产品,我们以传真合同形式与您签 订,交货以样品为准,付款方式和交货日期商议后确认,并注入合同之内。
5、本厂生产的产品如有质量问题包退包换,运费由卖家承担。如 由于交货产品符合样品,而买家提出不合理的要求改样,本厂有权拒绝买家的退货理由。再次提醒请买 家在购买前请确认好自己需要的产品尺寸与材质。
6、作为一家专业生产企业,建立在电子营销的模式下,由于人手 有限,对于零买者无法提供我们的产品。请买家在购买前于我们销售员确认好自己需要的数量。
1、如果您第一次和我们企业合作,我们在现有的样品和模具下可 按照您的产品要求免费为您提供样品
2、如果您的产品在开发过程中(或者)遇到关于技术方面的问题 ,可将问题提交给我们技术部,由我们专业技术人员一对一协助您解决问题。
1.韵达快递:http://www.yundaex.com/ 江浙沪5元1kg首重,续重 0.5元/kg;其他城市首重1kg10元,续重9元/kg,价格适中,服务态度因人而异
2.顺丰快递:http://sf-express.com/ 江浙沪12元,续重2元/kg, 其他城市20元,续重8元/500克,服务好,速度快,对快递服务质量和速度有要求的顾客可以选择顺丰快 递 .
销售三部(兼技术部 ) 
腾讯qq: 139068300            65332466
投诉热线:0573-86083011   13706830322
            &a mp;n bsp;              &a mp;n bsp;              &a mp;n bsp;      
【products】 φ0.6mm-3.0mm in diameter
【products】 3.0mm-200mm length
【material】 nickel-plated carbon steel, 201 stainless steel, 304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel
【color】 nickel silver or stainless steel qualities
【description】 these particular products size materials are customized according to national standards, if any special specification size, please contact our technical department.
1, the company is the manufacturer (you can call requests), may be temporarily out of stock situations occur, so before the inquiry, please ask if there are goods, and confirm whether the specifications for you. 
2, our all products are 100% committed to real shooting. in a different light and look under the display of goods are all more or less chromatic aberration, and hope the problem can not accept the color of the buyer, please contact clearly before buying. online transactions, can not see the kind, will inevitably, and imagined a little different, so it is best to provide detailed drawings and samples to us so that we can provide samples to you.
3, after the receipt of samples, please contact us, we will reply as soon as possible, you have to communicate with us oh 
4, if necessary, after the sample confirmation order this product, we have to fax the form with you signed the contract, subject to delivery to the sample, method of payment and delivery date confirmed after discussion, and bring within the contract.
5, the factory if the quality of products returned or replacement, shipping costs borne by the seller. such as delivery products meet the sample, while the buyer unreasonable demands to change like the factory grounds for the right to refuse to return the buyer. again, please make sure the buyer better before buying the products they need size and material. 
6, as a professional production company, built on e-marketing mode, due to limited manpower, the buyer can not provide for the zero of our products. please buyers to our sales staff before buying to confirm a good number of their needs.
1, if you are a business cooperation with us, our existing samples and molds in accordance with your product for a free sample for you 
2, if your product development process (or) experience on the technical aspects, may be submitted to our technical department, one to one by our professional technicians to help you solve the problem.
1. yun-tat delivery:http://www.yundae x.com/jiangsu, zhejiang and 5 yuan 1kg heavy, continue weight 0.5 yuan / kg; other cities in the first re-1kg10 dollars, continued heavy 9 yuan / kg, affordable, service attitude because people vary
2. sf express:http://sf- express.com/jiangsu, zhejiang and 12 yuan, continue weight 2 yuan / kg, 20 yuan in other cities, continued heavy 8 yuan / 500 grams, good service, speed, quality of service on the express and speed requirements can choose to shun feng express.
company address: qin haiyan county, zhejiang province town, village co-star
business office: zhejiang haiyan international fastener hardware city building b6-06 号 a24 
want want no.: hyxinci (sales) xingcizhizhen (changbu)
tencent qq: 139068300 65332466
company tel :0573-86083011 / 86083833
company fax :0573-86083822
mobile: 13706830322
after-sales hotline: 13819376665
hotline :0573-86083011
postal code: 314300
company website:www.hyxinci.com.c n
          www.hyxinci.comwww.zjneedles.com(chinese station)
          www.needles.com.c n


中国 嘉兴


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